From version < 32.1 >
edited by Ana-Maria Ginsac
on 2021/06/11 17:46
To version < 284.1 >
edited by Alex Moruz
on 2023/12/22 01:27
< >
Change comment: Deleted image "CiobanuPsalter.png"



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3 -[[[[image:roPsalt@CiobanuPsalter.png||height="388" width="666"]]>>roPsalt]]
4 -//“Ciobanu” Slavonic-Romanian Psalter//, f. 2v, 16th century, (Rom. Ms. no. 3465, Romanian Academy Library)
3 +[[[[image:roPsalt@CiobanuPsalter.png||queryString="width=670&height=388" height="388" width="670"]]>>roPsalt]]
4 +//“Ciobanu” Psalter (Slavonic-Romanian),// 16^^th^^ century, Rom. Ms. 3465, Romanian Academy Library, f. 2^^v^^.
5 5  )))
6 6  
7 -|(% style="width:783px" %)(((
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8 8  = Re-evaluating the Sixteenth Century Romanian Psalters.
9 9  Aligned Corpus and Comparative Studies =
10 10  
... ... @@ -23,9 +23,19 @@
23 23  **Area**
24 24  Philology and palaeography | Computer science
25 25  Cultural studies, cultural identities and memories, cultural heritage
26 -)))|(% style="width:230px" %)(((
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31 +**Page Content**
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38 +[[[[image:roPsalt@steag.png||queryString="width=20&height=20" height="20" width="20"]] Romanian>>roPsalt||queryString="language=ro_RO"]]
29 29  [[Summary and Aims>>||anchor="start"]]
30 30  [[Research Questions>>||anchor="HResearchQuestions"]]
31 31  [[Project Outline>>||anchor="HProjectOutline"]]
... ... @@ -33,6 +33,12 @@
33 33  [[Events>>||anchor="HEvents"]]
34 34  [[Results>>||anchor="HResults"]]
35 35  )))
46 +)))
47 +)))
48 +)))
49 +)))
50 +)))
51 +)))
36 36  
37 37  == Summary and Aims ==
38 38  
... ... @@ -40,78 +40,209 @@
40 40  
41 41  While the oldest Romanian Psalters have been studied for more than a century, their translation process, sources, relations and reception are not entirely clarified. The lack of a tool facilitating their comprehensive linguistic comparison and a Bible-philology related analysis, the fragmental knowledge about the sources and the lack of modern philological editions are among the causes of this state-of-the-art. Seeking to fill this research gap, roPSALT will a) create a digitally aligned (at verse level) corpus of the sixteenth-century Romanian Psalters, b) compare and emphasize their translation practices and relations with the sources and between them, c) assess the context of their appearance.
42 42  
43 -== Research Questions ==
59 +== 16th Century (Slavonic-)Romanian Psalters ==
44 44  
45 -(% class="responsive-table" %)
46 -|(((
47 -Which are the sources of the sixteenth century Romanian Psalters?
61 +(% class="table-striped" %)
62 +(% class="active" %)|(% style="width:793px" %)(((
63 +//Printed//
48 48  
49 -What is the relation between them and their sources?
65 +[[CP>>url:||style="background-color: rgb(248, 245, 240);"]] = Coresi, <Romanian Psalter>, Brașov, 1570 (CRV-16, Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest).
50 50  
51 -Find out more:
67 +[[CP,,1,,>>url:]] = Coresi, <Slavonic-Romanian Psalter>, Brașov, 1577 (CRV-19, Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest).
52 52  
53 -1. [[The Sources of the Oldest Romanian Versions of the Psalter>>]];
54 -1. [[The Musical Instruments in the Early Vernacular Translations of the Psalms>>]], pp. 120–125.
55 -)))|(((
69 +CP,,1a,, = Coresi, <Slavonic-Romanian Psalter>, Brașov, 1577 (CRV-78, Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest).
70 +
71 +[[CP,,2,,>>url:]] = <Șerban> Coresi, <Slavonic-Romanian Psalter>, <Brașov>, 1589 (CRV-19A, Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest).
72 +
73 +//Manuscripts//
74 +
75 +PC = <“Ciobanu” Slavonic-Romanian Psalter>, c. 1573-1585 (ms. Rom. 3465, Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest).
76 +
77 +[[PH>>url:]] = <“Hurmuzaki” Psalter>, beginning of the 16th century (ms. Rom. 3077, Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest).
78 +
79 +[[PS>>url:]] = <Scheian Psalter>, c. 1573-1578 (ms. Rom. 449, Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest).
80 +
81 +PV = <Slavonic-Romanian Psalter from Voroneț>, c. 1551-1558 (ms. Rom. 693, Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest).
82 +)))|(% style="width:713px" %)(((
56 56  (((
57 57  (((
58 58  (((
59 59  (((
60 -[[image:roPsalt@SlaRoPsalter.png>>roPsalt]]
61 -//Slavonic-Romanian Psalter from Voroneț//,
87 +(((
88 +(((
89 +[[image:1701879621728-126.png||height="259" width="543"]]
90 +
91 +@16th Century Romanian Psalters Aligned at Verse Level. XML Annotation Interface.
62 62  )))
63 63  )))
64 64  )))
95 +)))
96 +)))
97 +)))
98 +)))
65 65  
100 +== Project Outline ==
101 +
102 +**Objective 1 (Y1)**: Creating a digitally aligned corpus of the texts
103 +
104 +The aims of the project’s first phase are to transcribe the Psalters (from Romanian Cyrillic into Latin) and collect them, alongside the Church Slavonic text, in a structured database. The outcome will be a digital corpus aligned at the verse and word level, which will be comparatively investigated and displayed open-access at the end of the project.
105 +
106 +**Objective 2 (Y1 and Y3)**: Re-evaluating the hypotheses regarding the sources and filiations of the Romanian texts. Comparative studies (I)
107 +
108 +The outcome of the project’s second phase is a comparative study between the Romanian texts and their presumed source(s). The main research questions are: Which are the sources of the sixteenth century Romanian Psalters? What is the relationship between them? Clarifying the relationships between them and their sources would be a first step towards elucidating the context of their translation. Every hypothesis regarding the sources (Church Slavonic, Latin, Hungarian) will be addressed. Methodologically, the texts will be analysed and compared from a Bible-philology perspective and in the light of the new knowledge about the textual tradition of the Church Slavonic Psalter.
109 +
110 +**Objective 3 (Y3)**: Re-evaluating the hypotheses regarding the sources and filiations of the Romanian texts. Comparative studies (II)
111 +
112 +The main outcomes of the project’s third phase:
113 +
114 +~1. a philological edition; 2. articles; 3. a thematic volume proposed for publication
115 +
116 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" id="HTeamandCollaboration" %)
66 66  (((
118 +== Team ==
119 +)))
120 +
121 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
67 67  (((
68 68  (((
69 -f. 26r, 16th century, (Rom. Ms. no. 693,
124 +(((
125 +(((
126 +* [[Dr. Ana-Maria GÎNSAC>>]] (
127 +* Dr. Mădălina-Andreea UNGUREANU
128 +* Dr. Iosif CAMARĂ
129 +* Lect. dr. Alex MORUZ
130 +* Dr. Gabriela HAJA
131 +* Conf. dr. Marina VRACIU
132 +* Dr. Ana DUMITRAN
133 +* Dr. Ágnes KORONDI
134 +* Dr. Ion-Mihai FELEA
135 +* Dr. Ana-Veronica CATANĂ-SPENCHIU
136 +
137 +== Collaboration ==
138 +
139 +* Dr. Vladimir AGRIGOROAEI (University of Poitiers - CÉSCM)
140 +* Dr. Constanța BURLACU (University of Oxford)
141 +* Dr. Dinu MOSCAL (Academia Română, Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide” din Iași)
70 70  )))
71 71  )))
72 72  )))
145 +)))
73 73  
147 +== Workshops and Conferences ==
148 +
74 74  (((
75 75  (((
76 76  (((
77 -Romanian Academy Library)
152 +(((
153 +1. [[//Les méthodes d’édition des trois psautiers métriques étudiés par le projet ANR PSalteRATIO dans le paysage ecdotique contemporain//>>]] , Joint meeting of roPsalt and PsALTEratio projects, Iași, January 12, 2023.
154 +1. [[(% class="wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink" %)//Translation Automatisms in Early Vernacular Texts: Units, Clusters, Networks//>>]](%%), International conference ([[poster>>]]), Verona, June 9–11, 2022.
155 +1. [[(% class="wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink" %)//Vernacular Bible(s): From Manuscript to the Digital Edition//>>attach:Vernacular_Bibles_program_final (1).pdf]](%%), I(% class="wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink" %)nternational workshop(%%), Prague – Iași, September 9, 2021.
156 +1. //[[Les automatismes de traduction dans l’édition des textes sacrés>>attach:POSTER JE franco-roum.pdf]]//, International workshop, Poitiers, November 4–5, 2021.
157 +1. [[(% class="wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink" %)//Antichitatea şi moştenirea ei spirituală//>>attach:Program Antichitatea_final.pdf]](%%) [Antiquity and its Spiritual Heritage], Symposium, Iași, November 13, 2021.
78 78  )))
79 -
80 -
81 81  )))
82 82  )))
83 83  )))
162 +
163 +== Results ==
164 +
165 +**2023**
166 +
167 +Scientific report
168 +
169 +[[Corpus>>roPsalt.Corpus.WebHome]]
170 +
171 +Publications
172 +
173 +1. //Monumenta linguae Dacoromanorum. Psaltirea Voronețeană – Psaltirea „Ciobanu”. Texte, studii, indice de cuvinte//, Ana-Maria Gînsac, Constanța Burlacu, Iosif Camară, Ion-Mihai Felea, Dinu Moscal, Mădălina Ungureanu, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ din Iași, ISBN volum: 978-606-714-829-9. – [[Link>>path:/bin/get/roPsalt/?sheet=CKEditor.ResourceDispatcher&outputSyntax=plain&language=ro_RO&type=doc&]].
174 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Dinu Moscal, //Les ainsi nommées « reliques » lexicales d’origine latine des psautiers roumains du XVIe siècle//, în „Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie” 139/4, 2023, p. 1220-1250 (Web of Science – AHCI). – [[Link>>url:]].
175 +1. Ion-Mihai Felea, //Translating the Slavonic Present Participles in the Early Romanian Psalters (16th Century)//, în „Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe” 13, p. 100–140 (Web of Science – ESCI). – [[Link>>path:/bin/download/roPsalt/WebHome/17_Felea_Studia%20Ceranea.pdf?rev=1.1]].
176 +1. Iosif Camară, //Izvodul bilingv al Psaltirii Hurmuzaki//, în „Limba română (Omagiu dlui prof. Gheorghe Chivu, membru corespondent al Academiei Române, la 75 de ani)” 71/1–2 , 2022, p. 39-54. – [[Link>>url:]].
177 +1. Ágnes Korondi, //Psalm quotations in the Old Hungarian versions of a Latin prayer and the issue of automatisms in translation//, in "Translation automatisms in the vernacular texts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period”, Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Ileana Sasu (eds.), Turnhout, Brepols, 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
178 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Dinu Moscal, //Psaltirea Scheiană și ipoteza unei surse latine. Probleme de metodă//, în „Dacoromania” 28/1, 2023, p. 56–68 (Web of Science – ESCI). – [[Link>>url:]].
179 +1. Ana Dumitran, //The Context of the First Romanian Translations Revisited//, în „Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica” 26, 2022, p. 125–166. – [[Link>>url:]].
180 +1. Claudia Tărnăuceanu, Ana-Maria Gînsac, //Strategii de traducere în cartea Psalmilor din Vulgata de la Blaj (1760-1761)//, în „Classica et Christiana” (Actele Conferinței „Receptarea Romei si a Imperiului roman în cultura română modernă”, Iași, 16-18 noiembrie 2023), 2024.
181 +
182 +International conferences
183 +
184 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, //Language alternation in the 16th century Slavonic Romanian texts: Editorial challenges and functions//, International Conference “Exotic Ecdotics and Semiotics The Purpose and Usefulness of Textual Criticism for Hardly Editable Manuscripts”, Poitiers, 8-10 iunie 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
185 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Mădălina Ungureanu, //Lexical Variation in the First Romanian Versions of the Psalter (16th Century)//, 13th International Conference for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology “More than Words: Lexical Variation and Change across Cultures, Time, and Space”, Salerno, 27-29 septembrie 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
186 +1. Ion-Mihai Felea, //Neither normalized, nor diplomatic: Editing the Slavonic text from the early bilingual Romanian Psalters//, International Conference “Exotic Ecdotics and Semiotics The Purpose and Usefulness of Textual Criticism for Hardly Editable Manuscripts”, Centre d’études supérieures de civilisation médiévale, Poitiers, 8-10 iunie 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
187 +1. Ion-Mihai Felea, Mădălina Ungureanu, //The Cyrillic Writing of the Early Romanian Psalters: Slavonic-Romanian Interferences//, Scientific Conference “Cyrillo-Methodian Legacy in International Scholarship and Cultural Memory”, Sofia, 22-24 mai 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
188 +1. Alex Moruz, Ana-Maria Gînsac, //A Digital Corpus of Romanian Psalters from the 16th Century: Tools and Processing Pipelines//, Prague Medieval DH Storming, Universitatea din Praga, 23-24 februarie 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
189 +1. Alex Moruz, Ana-Maria Gînsac, //Revising Old Texts in XML Using the Oxygen Editor//, Universitatea din Praga, 23-24 februarie 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
190 +1. (((
191 +Ion-Mihai Felea, //A Digital Corpus of Romanian Psalters from the 16th Century: Aim, Tools and Challenges//, Academia de Științe a Cehiei, Departamentul de Studii Bizantine și Slavone (DSBS), Praga, 12 aprilie 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
84 84  )))
85 85  
86 -== Project Outline ==
194 +National conferences
87 87  
88 -**Objective 1 (Y1)**: Creating a digitally aligned corpus of the texts
196 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Claudia-Dorina Tărnăuceanu, //Strategii de traducere în cartea Psalmilor din Vulgata de la Blaj (1760-1761)//, Conferința „Receptarea Romei si a Imperiului roman în cultura română modernă”, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 16-18 noiembrie 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
197 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Dinu Moscal, //Termenii de origine latină din psaltirile rotacizante și corespondenții lor din versiunile latină și slavonă: analiză comparativă//, Conferința Internațională „Zilele Sextil Pușcariu”, ediția a VI-a, Institutul de Lingvistică și Istorie Literară „Sextil Pușcariu”, Cluj-Napoca, 14-15 septembrie 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
198 +1. Iosif Camară, //Transmiterea textului Psaltirii la începuturile scrisului în limba română: diortosirile traducerii primitive//, Conferința Internațională „Zilele Sextil Pușcariu”, ediția a VI-a, Institutul de Lingvistică și Istorie Literară „Sextil Pușcariu”, Cluj-Napoca, 14-15 septembrie 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
199 +1. Ion-Mihai Felea, //Lecţiuni atipice în textul slavon al psaltirilor slavo-române din secolul al XVI-lea//, Simpozionul Internaţional „Explorări în tradiţia biblică românească şi europeană”, ediția a XII-a, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 18-20 mai 2023. – [[Link>>url:]].
200 +1. Marina Vraciu, Iosif Camară, //Circulația Psaltirii comentate slavone la români//, Simpozionul internațional „Slavistica românească și dialogul culturilor”, ediția a XI-a, Universitatea din București, 3-4 noiembrie 2023. – [[Link>>url:,%203-4%20noiembrie,%202023.pdf]].
89 89  
90 -The aims of the project’s first phase are to transcribe the Psalters (from Romanian Cyrillic into Latin) and collect them, alongside the Church Slavonic text, in a structured database. The outcome will be a digital corpus aligned at the verse and word level, which will be comparatively investigated and displayed open-access at the end of the project.
202 +Scientific meetings
91 91  
92 -**Objective 2 (Y2 and Y3)**: Re-evaluating the hypotheses regarding the sources and filiations of the Romanian texts. Comparative studies
204 +1. International Conference [[//Exotic Ecdotics and Semiotics The Purpose and Usefulness of Textual Criticism for Hardly Editable Manuscripts//>>url:]], Centre d’études surieures de civilisation médiévale, Poitiers, 8-10 iunie 2023 (co-organizare).
93 93  
94 -The outcome of the project’s second phase is a comparative study between the Romanian texts and their presumed source(s). The main research questions are: Which are the sources of the sixteenth century Romanian Psalters? What is the relationship between them? Clarifying the relationships between them and their sources would be a first step towards elucidating the context of their translation. Every hypothesis regarding the sources (Church Slavonic, Latin, Hungarian) will be addressed. Methodologically, the texts will be analysed and compared from a Bible-philology perspective and in the light of the new knowledge about the textual tradition of the Church Slavonic Psalter.
206 +**2022**
95 95  
96 -**Objective 3 (Y3)**: Synthesis and dissemination
208 +Scientific report
97 97  
98 -The main outcomes of the project’s third phase:
210 +Publications
99 99  
100 -~1. a philological edition; 2. a thematic volume proposed for publication; 3. articles.
212 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, //When philology has the upper hand: ‘Culture-specific items’ and their translation in 16th century Romanian Psalters as proof of a prototype text//, in "Translation automatisms in the vernacular texts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period”, Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Ileana Sasu (eds.), Turnhout, Brepols, 2023, p. 271–274. [[Link>>]].
213 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, [[//Gr. ἀπὸ βάρεων ἐλεφαντίνων în vechile versiuni românești ale Psaltirii//>>]], in "Philologica Jassyensia”, XVIII, nr. 2, 2022, p. 75–82.
214 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Alex Moruz, Mădălina Ungureanu, //The recurrence of the 16th century Romanian Psalters vocabulary in the 17th century lexicons based on automatic corpora comparison//, in „Proceedings of the 17th International Conference "Linguistic Resources and Tools for Natural Language Processing. Chișinău, 10–12 November 2022”, Editura Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2022. – [[Link>>]].
215 +1. Iosif Camară, [[//New information on the Slavonic sources of the oldest Romanian Psalters//>>]], in "Palaeobulgarica” XLVI, 2022, nr. 1, p. 81–94.
216 +1. Mădălina Ungureanu, Mihai Felea, //Who is hiding the face of God? The translation choices for the Church Slavonic dative absolute in early Romanian Psalters//, in "Translation automatisms in the vernacular texts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period”, Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Ileana Sasu (eds.), Turnhout, Brepols, 2023, 99–92. – [[Link>>]].
217 +1. Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Agnes Korondi, Ana-Maria Gînsac, Mădălina Ungureanu et al., //A pan-European translation cluster: Synonymic variations in the vernacular translation choices for τυμπανιστριαί/ tympanistriae (Ps 67:26)//, in "Translation automatisms in the vernacular texts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period”, Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Ileana Sasu (eds.), Turnhout, Brepols, 2023, p. 296–304. – [[Link>>]].
218 +1. Ana Dumitran, //Despre metodologia primelor traduceri românești: privire retrospectivă prin prisma experienței traducătorilor Psaltirii bălgrădene din 1651//, in „Apulum. Seria Historia et Patrimonium. Supplementum”, LX, 2023, p. 1-18. ― CEEOL.
101 101  
102 -== Team and Collaboration ==
220 +International conferences
103 103  
104 -Dr. Ana-Maria GÎNSAC (
105 -Dr. Mădălina UNGUREANU
106 -Dr. Iosif CAMARĂ
107 -Lect. Dr. Alex MORUZ
108 -Dr. Ana-Veronica Catană-SPENCHIU
109 -Prof. Dr. Marina VRACIU (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași)
110 -Dr. Gabriela HAJA (“A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology, Iași)
111 -Dr. Vladimir AGRIGOROAEI (CÉSCM Poitiers – CNRS)
112 -Dr. Ágnes KORONDI (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest)
113 -Drd. Constanța BURLACU (University of Oxford)
222 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, //Culture-specific items (realia) and their translation in the Old Romanian psalters of the 16th century//, Conferința internațională [[Translation Automatisms in Early Vernacular Texts: Units, Clusters, Networks>>]], University of Verona, June 9–11.
223 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Dinu Moscal, //Les ainsi-nommées « reliques » lexicaux latines des psautiers roumains de XVIe siècle//, [[XXX Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes (XXX CILPR)>>]], Universidad de la Laguna, San Cristobal, July 4–9.
224 +1. Agnes Korondi, //Powerful Verses: Psalm Quotations in Old Hungarian Prayers//, [[Conferința internațională Translation Automatisms in Early Vernacular Texts: Units, Clusters, Networks>>]], University of Verona, June 9–11.
225 +1. Mădălina Ungureanu, //Formal Slavonisms in the 16th century in the Romanian “Ciobanu” Psalter//, [[Conferința internațională Translation Automatisms in Early Vernacular Texts: Units, Clusters, Networks>>]], University of Verona, June 9–11.
226 +1. Iosif Camară, Marina Vraciu, [[//Between Letter and Spirit: The Slavonic Models of the Oldest Romanian Psalters//>>]], Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, University of Salzburg, July 17–21.
227 +1. Marina Vraciu, Iosif Camară, //Translation as commentary: The case of the oldest Romanian Psalters//, [[Oxford Medieval Commentary Network Second Conference>>]], University of Oxford, September 29.
114 114  
115 -== Events ==
229 +National conferences
116 116  
117 -== Results ==
231 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, //Pasajul ἀπὸ βάρεων ἐλεφαντίνων în vechile traduceri româneşti ale Psaltirii//, [[Simpozionul Internațional>>]]"[[Explorări în tradiția biblică românească și europeană”>>]], 11th edition, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, June 16–18.
232 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Alex Moruz, Mădălina Ungureanu, //The recurrence of the 16th century Romanian Psalters vocabulary in the 17th century lexicons based on automatic corpora comparison//, [[ConsILR-2022>>]], Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chișinău, November 10–12.
233 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, //Editarea comparativă a Psaltirilor românești din secolul al XVI-lea//, [[Workshop – Lecturi tehnice. Critică de text, critică de ediție>>]], Academia Română – Filiala Iași, November 24–25.
234 +1. Ágnes Korondi, //Surse maghiare prezumate ale traducerii Psaltirii în limba română (secolul al XVI-lea): funcţii şi forme în schimbare//, [[Simpozionul Internațional „Explorări în tradiția biblică românească și europeană”>>]], 11th edition, Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, June 16–18.
235 +1. Iosif Camară, //Ce ştim azi despre sursele Psaltirilor rotacizante?//, [[Simpozionul Internațional „Explorări în tradiția biblică românească și europeană”>>]], 11th edition, Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iași, June 16–18.
236 +1. Iosif Camară, //Izvorul bilingv al Psaltirii //"//Hurmuzaki"//, [[Al Optulea Simpozion Internațional de Lingvistică>>]], Institutul de Lingvistică al Academiei Române "Iorgu Iordan - Al. Rosetti”, București, 29-30 September.
237 +1. Mădălina Ungureanu, //Ediția critică a Psaltirii Scheiene (I.-A. Candrea, 1916): utilitate și limite//, [[Workshop – Lecturi tehnice. Critică de text, critică de ediție>>]], Academia Română – Filiala Iași (Institutul de Istorie "A. D. Xenopol"), November 24–25.
238 +1. Mihai Felea, //Observații privind editarea textului slavonesc din Psaltirea slavo-română de la 1577//, [[Workshop – Lecturi tehnice. Critică de text, critică de ediție>>]], Academia Română – Filiala Iași (Institutul de Istorie "A. D. Xenopol"), November 24–25.
239 +1. Ana Dumitran, //Metodologia traducerii: privire retrospectivă dinspre paradigma Psaltirii românești din 1651 spre laboratorul traducătorilor din secolul al XVI-lea//, Conferința națională "Bibliologie și patrimoniu cultural național”, ediția a XVI-a, Universitatea "1 Decembrie 1918”, Muzeul Național al Unirii din Alba Iulia, June 23–24.
240 +
241 +Scientific meetings
242 +
243 +1. Workshop //Editarea vechilor traduceri biblice, între tradiție și inovație// [Editing the Oldest Translations of the Bible, between Tradition and Innovation], in [[//Lecturi tehnice. Critică de text, critică de ediție//>>]], Romanian Academy – Branch Iași (“A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology, "A. D. Xenopol” Institute of History), "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, November 24–25.
244 +1. International conference [[Translation Automatisms in Early Vernacular Texts: Units, Clusters, Networks>>]], University of Verona ([[poster>>]]), June 9–11 (co-organizer).
245 +
246 +**2021**
247 +
248 +[[Scientific Report>>attach:Raport științific etapa I (2021).pdf]]
249 +
250 +Publications
251 +
252 +1. Iosif Camară, //[[Cele mai vechi Psaltiri româneşti şi redacţiile Psaltirii slavone>>]] //[The oldest Romanian Psalters and the redactions of the Old Church Slavonic Psalters], in //Caietele Sextil Puşcariu. Actele Conferinței Internaționale „Zilele Sextil Pușcariu”//, V, 2021, p. 69–78.
253 +1. Mădălina Ungureanu, Ion-Mihai Felea, //Creative calques in the early Romanian translations of the Psalter. Translatological and philological approaches//, in //Translation automatisms in the vernacular texts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period//, Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Ileana Sasu (eds.), Turnhout, Brepols, 2023, p. 239–243. – [[Link>>]].
254 +1. Claudia Tărnăuceanu, Ana-Maria Gînsac, Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu, //Colloquial calque translations, novice blunders, and grammaticalization clusters in a Latin complaint of the Romanian knezes from the Remete estate, c. 1360-1380// [viitorul perifrastic în Psaltiri], in //Translation automatisms in the vernacular texts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period//, Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Ileana Sasu (eds.), Turnhout, Brepols, 2023, p. 43–51. – [[Link>>]].
255 +
256 +Conferences
257 +
258 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, //Les noms propres dans les premiers psautiers roumains et le problème des sources// – [[Les automatismes de traduction dans l’édition des textes sacrés>>url:||style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"]], International Workshop, Poitiers, November 4–5.
259 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Gabriela Haja, Alex Moruz, //The Sixteenth-Century (Slavonic-) Romanian Psalters Digital Corpus: Challenges, Solutions //– [[Vernacular Bible(s): From Manuscript to the Digital Edition>>url:]], International Workshop, Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague ([[DiaBible>>url:]]) & “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași ([[roPsalt>>url:]]), Praga-Iași, September 9 (online).
260 +1. Iosif Camară, //Straturi redacţionale în //Psaltirea “Hurmuzaki” [Redactional Layers in “Hurmuzaki” Psalter] – [[International Conference “Zilele Sextil Puşcariu”>>url:]], 5th edition, “Sextil Pușcariu” Institute of Linguistics and Literary Theory, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, September 9–10 (online).
261 +1. Iosif Camară, //În căutarea surselor Psaltirilor rotacizante. Cercetări în biblioteci din Bulgaria, Serbia şi Muntele Athos// – [[Simpozionul Internaţional “Slavistica românească şi dialogul culturilor”>>url:]], 9th edition, University of Bucharest - Departamentul de Filologie Rusă şi Slavă, Asociaţia Slaviştilor din România, October 22–23 (online).
262 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Iosif Camară, //O reevaluare a psaltirilor românești din secolul al XVI-lea. Corpus aliniat și studii comparative (roPSALT): prezentarea proiectului – //[[Romanian Academic Lexicography. The Challenges of Digitization>>attach:MEDIEVAL AND EARLY MODERN LEXICOGRAPHY IN THE DIGITAL AGE.pdf]], International Colloquium, 10th edition, Institute of Romanian Philology “A. Philippide”, Romanian Academy, Iaşi, May 27–28 (online).
263 +1. Iosif Camară, //Descendenţii lat. //*poenitare// în cele mai vechi versiuni româneşti ale //Psaltirii// şi //Apostolului [Descendants of Lat. *//poenitare //in the Oldest Romanian Versions of the //Psalter //and //Apostle//] – [[Simpozionul Internaţional “Provocări trecute şi prezente în evoluţia limbii, literaturii şi culturii române>>url:]]”, 20th edition, Institute of Romanian Philology “A. Philippide”, Romanian Academy, September 22–24 (online).
264 +1. Iosif Camară, //Rom. //lângoare// (< lat. //languorem//) în cele mai vechi texte românești// [Rom. //lângoare //(< Lat. //languorem//) in Oldest Romanian Texts] – [[Simpozionul „Antichitatea şi moştenirea ei spirituală”>>url:]], 17th edition, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Classical Philology, November 12–13 (online).
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