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... ... @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ 134 134 Publicații 135 135 136 136 1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, //When philology has the upper hand: ‘Culture-specific items’ and their translation in 16th century Romanian Psalters as proof of a prototype text//, in „Translation automatisms in the vernacular texts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period”, Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Ileana Sasu (eds.), Turnhout, Brepols, 2023 (sub tipar). 137 -1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, [[//Gr. ἀπὸ βάρεων ἐλεφαντίνων în vechile versiuni românești ale Psaltirii//>>url:]], in „Philologica Jassyensia”, XVIII, nr. 2, 2022 ― Web of Science,Emerging Sources Citation Index (sub tipar).137 +1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, [[//Gr. ἀπὸ βάρεων ἐλεφαντίνων în vechile versiuni românești ale Psaltirii//>>url:]], in „Philologica Jassyensia”, XVIII, nr. 2, 2022, 75–82. 138 138 1. Ana-Maria Gînsac, Alex Moruz, Mădălina Ungureanu, //The recurrence of the 16th century Romanian Psalters vocabulary in the 17th century lexicons based on automatic corpora comparison//, in „Proceedings of the 17th International Conference „Linguistic Resources and Tools for Natural Language Processing. Chișinău, 10–12 November 2022”, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2022 (sub tipar). 139 139 1. Iosif Camară, [[//New information on the Slavonic sources of the oldest Romanian Psalters//>>url:]], in „Palaeobulgarica” XLVI, 2022, nr. 1, p. 81–94. 140 140 1. Mădălina Ungureanu, Mihai Felea, //Who is hiding the face of God? The translation choices for the Church Slavonic dative absolute in early Romanian Psalters//, in „Translation automatisms in the vernacular texts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period”, Vladimir Agrigoroaei, Ileana Sasu (eds.), Turnhout, Brepols, 2023 (sub tipar).